How to write a good story if you’re a beginner?

There is an opinion that a writing career should be started with small forms: stories, short stories, essays. This statement is not devoid of meaning, since in small forms of prose works it is easier to maintain the plot, avoid factual errors and avoid contradictions in the plot line.
Many classics wrote their great novels, which glorified them over the centuries, based on previously written stories, essays or novellas. For example, the world-famous and beloved novel by Mikhail Bulgakov
“The Master and Margarita “
Was entirely written on the basis of previously written and published by the author feuilletons” Moonshine Lake “and” Three Kinds of Swinishness “.
That is, the mystical novel grew out of short satirical prose works. And this is far from an isolated case. Sometimes the previously written stories are completely interwoven by the author into the canvas of the work, as in
Dostoevsky’s novel
” The Brothers Karamazov ” the story “The Legend of the Inquisitor” is interwoven.
But one must understand that even small forms require a lot of writing, sometimes even more painstaking work than a voluminous work. BuyEssayOnline best writing company.
So how do you write a story?
Remember Chekhov’s stories
The shorter the work, the more saturated the language should be, the more clear and consistent the idea should be.
Work on a small form, and in particular on a story, requires constant proofreading, deleting excess, “squeezing out the water.”
The story will not be appropriate for the lengthy lyrical digressions to which young authors are so inclined.
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In order not to get confused in your own ideas and ideas about how the work should turn out, not to rely only on inspiration.
Divine illumination, which in itself is good, but you cannot build a good text only on them. At least at the beginning of the creative path the author needs some kind of scheme.
Hint, a guide on how to write a good story. Here are a few points to follow to help you toss out the unnecessary and not forget about the important points.
1 . The first stage at which a story is born, the very necessity of writing it manifests itself – this is the emergence of an idea.
The idea of a literary work is an initial idea that grew out of the life experience of the author, his worldview or imagination.
The source of the idea can be the political life of the country, observations of the animal world, feelings experienced, a read and rethought book.
Not a single well-known author began work without a plan. One of the strongest examples of the author’s intention is Balzac’s “The Human Comedy” . Deciding to reveal to the world the culture and order, the ” brilliance and poverty ” of French society during the restoration of the monarchy and the Bourbon rule, Honoree de Balzac developed a complex concept, wrote 137 separate works (with the presence of cross-cutting characters traveling from book to book), worked on his ” comedy “26 years. And he managed to withstand his plan to the end.
It is better for a novice author not to tackle such complex concepts, to postpone large-scale ideas for a time when his pen has already been honed.
You can learn how to choose a concept that is comparable to the scale of small forms with Chekhov and Kuprin. There are the classic “three pillars” of Russian prose: a small person, an extra person, a new person. Try to describe one day of one of these archetypes of Russian classics, passing through the prism of your perception. It will turn out at least psychologically, learn to hone your characters, and as a maximum, you will reach a big idea that you can embody in your future work.
2 . When the author has an idea, you can get to work. But “getting to work” does not mean at all that you can already sit down and write. No, first you need to select the material , study well what you want to write about.
Ideally, it is better for a novice writer to choose the subject of the story that is as close to him as possible. If you are a physician, write about doctors and patients, if you are a student, write about school life. This will help to avoid factual mistakes, and it is more interesting to write about what you understand. The danger of this approach is only that a novice author can accidentally write not a fiction story, but an article on a professional topic.
Do not forget that write for the general public, do not go into details if the intention does not require it, do not overdo it with professional vocabulary.
If you decide to choose a time, location, topic that is not typical for you, then you will have to add literature (not fiction, but scientific). For example, the press of those times about which you write about, for some time. Why is it necessary to take specifically historical and specialized scientific works. Journalism, and not works of art on the topic? Everything is simple, it will help to avoid the temptation to imitate the master of the pen, not to blur your own view of things.
If such preliminary preparation seems not particularly necessary to you. Then you will have to be surprised – absolutely all classics – prose writers worked just like that. You can write a tabloid popular novel without resorting to sources, and a good story is not written that way. Most of the writers sat over books for months to sort out the issue. Some even had to go to the place they wanted to write about in order to catch the mood. About Online Courses evaluate the location personally. Mikhail Prishvin , for example, in his stories about animals was guided by personal observations, which he carefully wrote down. To give the world one story about birds, he could watch their life for months, photograph and record.
After the idea is formulated, the materials for its expression are found, assimilated and comprehended, you can proceed directly to writing.
3 . You need to start writing a story by drawing up a plan. At the same time, the plan means not only the sequence of plot events.
But also the formulation of the goals of writing, the main idea. The description of the main characters and their path of development.
Purpose means how you would like to influence the reader with your work. If entertaining, then aim for a rich storyline. If you want to convey a concept or idea, then clearly write down how and by what means. This is necessary first of all for the author himself.
If you want to write a story about the philosophy of Tao and have clearly set this goal for yourself. Then you will no longer rely on plot. But devote more attention to allegoricality and, for example, hone a short but capacious dialogue. A well-defined goal and a fixed idea will themselves prompt the means of writing. Next, we describe the sequence of events in the story. If there is a desire to break the linearity of the composition and change the points of the plan in places. Then it is better to do this after you have written the draft version.