
5 ways to make bakhoor fragrance last longer

What is Bakhoor? 

Bakhoor is the name given to a wood chip that has been soaked in perfume oils or other natural substances extracted from flowers. To release the distinctive rich woody Bakhoor scent, the wood chips are burned in special charcoal burners. Bakhoor has been a part of Arabian culture for generations. It’s something they utilize in their homes or majlis. For them, it is a symbol of respect and hospitality.

Bakhoor isn’t just for rooms. Women in the Middle East often apply it to their clothes. Bakhor is a strong and long-lasting scent that keeps people smelling fresh throughout the day.

This article will explain what bakhoor is and why it has such a long-lasting scent. We’ll go over its benefits, how to create it, and how to make Bakhoor last longer. 

Why is bakhoor used?

Bakhoor is famous for its unique fragrance. Besides that, bakhoor has significant health benefits. The tradition has passed onto generations. Bakhoor has nervous benefits that make it preferable to use almost every place either home or sacred places. 

Bakhoor is mainly associated with its ability to instill calmness and relaxation. It has a soothing impact mentally. People tend to associate bakhoor with positivity. It is proven to be aromatherapy that makes the overall environment calm and relaxing. 

Bakhoor has the following properties: 

It calms the body and eliminates negative energy. 

It increases alertness and reduces fear.

Bakhoor offers an environment that enhances mental functionality while also promoting harmony.

It has a strong psychoactive effect.

It contains meditative characteristics that help you relieve stress.

Ways of making bakhoor 

Bakhoor is mainly made in two ways. In Arab countries and Yemen, it is hand-made using cooking methods. This process requires correctly cooking the Bakhoor to preserve its essence and generate a pleasing aroma.

Baking is the second way for making bakhoor that is utilized in various countries. Baking resins utilize this technique. This method does not require direct fire. Pakistan uses Bakhoor as well. You can find the best Bakhoor in Pakistan at Souk Galleria and Saeed Ghani.  They have a wide range of Bakhoor and Oud available on their website. People who have the knowledge and understand the benefits prefer to use it in their daily life. 

How to make the bakhoor fragrance last longer? 

Now that we’ve looked at the Bakhoor in detail, including its uses and advantages. We’ll now look at how to make its fragrance last longer. Though Bakhoor has a powerful scent at first, it lasts far longer than other perfumes or scents. However, there are a few quick and easy techniques to make it a long-lasting scent.

  1. Place it next to the charcoal

This is one of the most popular methods for keeping a lasting fragrance of Bakhoor in a room. You can do it by placing the charcoal next to it rather than on top of it. The Bakhoor aroma will disseminate quickly and last longer than normal as a result of this.

  1. Isolate the space

We normally close the door when we use room freshener to keep the spread longer and more even in the room. Similarly, bakhoor long-lasting freshness can be achieved by isolating the room and closing the windows. The scent will remain throughout the day.

  1. Put Bakhoor clothing or curtains

When a scent is applied to clothes, it lasts longer. This is another approach to extend the life of bakhoor. When used in rooms or places where curtains are available. The aroma will be absorbed by the curtain if it is placed close to it and will remain longer.

  1. Place the burner on the ground

If you place the burner on the floor of your room, the powerful scent of bakhoor will stay longer. The aroma is diffused by the burner. You can keep the burner near your daily clothes or the laundry while your clothes are drying. It will absorb the bakhoor scent into your clothes. The aroma will stay on you all day.

  1. Burn bakhoor Frequently

If you use a fragrance regularly, it will remain longer. For a longer-lasting bakhoor scent in your space. To make it live longer, you must burn it frequently. It’s not recommended to burn it too much because it can lower the oxygen level in the room. However, you can use it twice a day to keep a space fresh and lasting.

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