
The Purpose and Type of Research

A research is coherent activities that begin with thinking about the topic or question. Following the data and information collection procedures. The collected data will be organised, analysed, interpreted, and drawn to a conclusion. Then document. It is expected that the final writing or documentation will be shared with others and Buy Essay Online Cheap. By reporting and/or publishing it for the benefit of others.

It is also an academic task addressed. By the people involved in an academic society. Some of them are the professors and students. This task is usually given to students. For the following purposes:

Task Purpose

  • Expands students ’knowledge about a topic or things around more than reading and listening within the classroom;
  • Sharing new experiences such as socialising and interacting with different types of people, going to different places, dealing with a problem or dilemma (whether self or not), and much more;
  • Enriches the student’s mind because it exposes him to different perspectives that may be near or far from his beliefs;
  • Encourages the learner to think, ask questions, analyse, draw conclusions from the collected data and share the gathered information with his community;
  • Develops social, leadership, communication, management, development, and thinking skills;
  • It trains students to face and solve problems that are part of the research work and that whatever they learn from it they can apply to society as well as to their work.

The above are just a few of the importance of research. Improving a school’s research program will prepare its students to develop their ability, skill, efficiency, and self-confidence.

Research, therefore, is the systematic work of gathering data or information that increases the knowledge and understanding of students/researchers about an event. It is the duty of the researcher to express his / her research through publication.

On the other hand, research is also an attempt to carefully investigate, study, observe, analyse, and record new information, facts, and knowledge related to various aspects of life.

Likewise, above all, research writing requires patience. perseverance. and effort.

Types and Purpose of Research

According to Michael Patton (1990), the four types and purposes of research:

  1. Basic Research. The purpose of this research is to understand and explain. It consists of a theory that explains about a phenomenon under investigation (or event) and is descriptive or descriptive.
  2. Responsive Research (Applied Research) . The purpose of this research is to help people understand the nature of a problem so that he or she will have an idea of ​​how to control it. In other words, this type seeks potential solutions to human problems and problems existing in its environment.
  3. Evaluation Research . It refers to the analysis of the process and outcome of a solution. Formative evaluation aims to increase human involvement in certain conditions such as time, task, and group of people. Meanwhile, summative evaluation aims to measure the effectiveness of a program, policy, or product.
  4. Action Research . This research aims to solve a specific problem in a program, organisation, or community.

In addition to folktales. A country’s culture is also reflected in other forms of literature. Such as proverbs, folk songs, and legends. It only proves that the Philippines has a very rich culture that symbolises the golden grains of thoughts.


In the pictorial method adopted by the analysis of the study, the researcher proved that the proverbs, kundiman, and legends reflect the richness of our culture, customs, and reflection of the Filipino race.


The entirety of this study presents the following components that address the problems:

Summary of Findings

After careful analysis, the following was discovered:

  • Types of literature Chabacano, Visayas, Tausug, Samal, and Subano of Region IX. Which of them are considered popular. The researcher found that Region IX is very rich in types of literature. The researcher focused on proverbs, kundiman, and legends written in their respective languages ​​and in order to understand, the researcher tried to translate them into a language that everyone could understand.
  • Topics of each type of literature follow that are gradually losing importance to the common man
  • Proverbs Researchers have found that these proverbs have a profound effect on their lives. They have moulded their children to be good examples of this. They made it a rule so that the children would have a fear of doing evil.
  • In the researcher’s analysis. Men with commitment and respect for women. Even if a man or a woman cannot express their feelings through kundiman, they can express their thoughts.
  • The researcher found in his interviewees of the five tribes that before electricity reached their area, the only hobby of their children and grandchildren was to listen to the story and it was the legends and folktales. Although it is unbelievable because it is just fiction, it has helped people a lot such as respect for others, love for family members, respect for elders, and protection of nature.
  • The human significance embodied in each type of literature in the five (5) dialects of Region IX.

    Types of literature such as proverbs, kundiman, and legends, have played a large part in their personalities because they teach themselves to be respectful, to respect their neighbour, to love God, to take care of one’s spouse. ‘ t children. respect for parents, and love of nature.

Research Writing Guidelines

  1. Think carefully about the ideas or concepts that need to be included in the research writing.
  2. Go back and re -read the content of the research paper to ensure that the information contained therein is correct.
  3. Focus on the format of the research paper. Adjust and change the format if it is thought to be non -compliant.
  4. Check the sentences used if you think they are not very good as well as their punctuation.
  5. Finally, read the entire research paper carefully and make corrections to any inaccuracies.
  6. Make a bibliography of the references used in compiling the research paper.
  7. Print the research paper and present it to your teacher or counsellor.
  8. After you have learned the research steps, knowing the general part of the research will help you to give a summary or perspective of the research you will do.

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